Dream Produce Inc.

Unlocking performance capabilities
that deliver people success

Our Vision

‘Career Competencies are the skills and attitude required to enable each individual's optimal performance, as they create new value whilst respecting others, regardless of environment.’

The most valuable asset in any modern workplace is its people, however, there are exponential complexities that come with people operations such as talent retention, adapting to remote or hybrid working or maintaining company culture across distributed teams.

We believe that these challenges can be met by starting with the individual.

We are creating a world where each individual is empowered to work in the way that best unlocks their full potential and enables them to successfully leverage the diversity that is all around them.

What We Do

Using "Career Competencies" as the core platform for:

Organisations we:

  • Augment organisational and human resource development
  • Enhance attitudes, skills, and behaviours to create a work environment where individuals can thrive
  • Support the delivery of high performance because individuals are prepared in a way that is tailored to their specific needs
  • Make the ability to embrace and leverage diversity in the workplace a key concern

(aged between 6 to 15) we:

  • Improve the potential of each child to identify their ideal job
  • Increase awareness of their options for the future through career education from an early age

Our goal is to create a joined together process in which our development programme begins from childhood and carries on through into adulthood, thereby equipping people and the world of work with the performance capabilities to successfully overcome current and future challenges.

Our Services

We enable people to develop their ‘Career Competencies’ from early stage career education all the way through to organisational learning and development.

Org & HR Development


Organisational Learning and Development Programme

Structured around our Career Competencies framework, RExLEARN drives the development of customised career development pathways.
Career Education

DP Job World

Free Career Education Platform

DP Job World service
A career platform that takes a deep dive analysis into each child on an individual level to ascertain their most ideal potential career(s).
For more details,
click here.external linkexternal link
Career Education


Regional Work Experience Program (Beta)

ドリプロ職業体験 サービス画面イメージ
A practical program that allows children to experience current jobs in actual workplaces.
For more details,
click here.external linkexternal link
Career Education

DP Online Workshop Service

Online Workshop Service

DREAM PRODUCE global-workshop service
Not only language skills! Online Workshop for Developing Global Career Competencies.
For more details,
click here.external linkexternal link


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Launch of "DREAM PRODUCE Work Experience," a regional work experience program

(New Service) Regional Work Experience Program "Dream Produce Work Experience" started.


Dream Produce beta version Ver.4.0 service update!

Happy to announce that the service is now free! Dream Produce", an in-depth career web service for elementary and junior high school students


Dream Produce beta version Ver.2.0 service update!

"Career Competencies Report" and other functions have been expanded.


Web Service for Parents and Children to Explore Various Careers in Depth Dream Produce" beta version Ver.1.0 released!



The website is now open to the public, and we will update the service overview, functional updates, etc. on this page from now on.


Dream Produce Inc. is a startup that aims to update
the "career capabilities" of individuals
through "organizational and talent development" and"career education".

Dream Produce Inc.
We offer educational tools for children and services related to them.
April 20, 2021
2-21-14-505 Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0045 Japan
Seiji Nakano


Got any questions about our services or want to have a chat? Get in touch!

Contact us